【おしりの幸せ ご紹介動画】



【Happiness in the Hips Introduction Video】

An undergarment for people who experience pain in their buttocks when they’re sitting on hard surfaces.

Padded underwear for those whose buttocks hurt when sitting on hard surfaces.

For those who have lost weight due to aging or illness.
Those who have little muscle or flesh in the buttocks.

Those whose buttocks hurt when sitting on hard chairs.
This may cause them to refrain from going out or to sit patiently in hard chairs.

I created “Happiness in the Hips ” so that such people can enjoy going out.

For Women
For Men
For Seniors


  1. 座布団を持っていけば良いと家族に言われますが。

  2. ご感想をくださった方にクーポン進呈

  3. 万が一商品が不良品であった場合の詳細

  4. 坐骨神経痛の方はまず病院へ

  5. 年末年始のお知らせ

  6. 親御様の試着予約を取られるお子様にお願い


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